Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My 50th POST!

These are some more recent collages. The top one is tiny 2 x 2 3/4". Next is 3 x 5" and then 6 x 8". The bottom one is one of my photos and one of my favorite lines of poetry (by Mary Oliver). I've been collaging alot this week, too. I want to be ready for the 3 artist show the beginning of September!

Well, my beeswax is melted again, so will just end with a quote for now.

"There is no human being who does not carry a treasure in his soul, a moment of insight, a memory of love, a dream of excellence, a call to worship." Rabbi Abraham Herchel

1 comment:

DJ said...

I LOVE the first collage! Beautiful! Is that a real rose?