Friday, May 30, 2008
New Pictures & Happy Friday
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Mini Collage Mania
Monday, May 26, 2008
Prompt # 6
Last week my youngest daughter and I brought my Mom home from her rehab at the nursing home. She's doing well.
Our prompt for this week is to think of someone from our past (or present) and do artwork in a color that represents them to you. One of my Grandmothers very often wrote with peacock blue ink. Whenever I see that color, I think of her, so I'd do art with that color predominating if I wanted it to represent her. See what you can come up with!
"I like the space between, the space between dreaming and wakefulness. Between imagination and reality. Between no and yes. Between is and is not. That's where the interesting stuff is." from In the Night Room by Peter Straub
Monday, May 19, 2008
Prompt #5 and a Couple Pics
This week's prompt is one word REVERENCE. See where thinking about it takes you.
"Art is neither a profession nor a hobby. Art is a way of life." Frederick Franck
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Window on Collage
These three photos are of a collage called "Innocence". It is made up of 2 canvases (6" x 8"). The front one has a window looking to the other canvas and the back one has the collage. The two canvases are hooked together by shell buttons that are nailed into the canvases and then laced together by waxed linen thread. The back of each canvas is lined with hand-dyed fabric covering mat board.
Well, I think that the Birthday celebrations are done for another year - kind of sad to see them go - they were great while they lasted!! ;-) Yesterday I had breakfast with a good friend. Lots of fun! Today was cake with 4 friends...very yummy cake! Now I have to get used to saying 54 for my age instead of 53. I'll get used to it about next May.
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." John Barrymore
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mini Beeswax Collages
Monday, May 12, 2008
A Beeswax Collage and A Prompt
The prompt for this week follows. Think of a dream that you remembered when you woke up. Now do art or write based on that dream. It could be an image from the dream or the mood or feeling that the dream left you with. (If by any chance you haven't remembered a dream in a long time, then do the activity based on a daydream!).
"Every passing moment is a chance to turn it all around." quote from the movie Vanilla Sky which I thought was a very strange movie, but I loved this line!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Busy week and weekend with my birthday and Mother's Day both on Sunday. Be back next week with a prompt. Have a good weekend!
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle." Philo
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Exciting News!!
"We need experiences larger than our problems. We need to see we're wearing the ruby slippers all the time." Richard Bartlett
Monday, May 5, 2008
Prompt #3 and a Quote
"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see." Naturalist John Burroughs
Friday, May 2, 2008
The Merry Month of May
We got my Mom all settled in to the nursing home yesterday. She'll only be there for a few weeks of rehab after the surgery. She's doing amazingly well. So today I had an all art day! I worked on some beeswax collage and also did some more Affirmation Collages (mentioned in an earlier post). They are such fun!
While gathering photos for the collages, I came across photos of my Mom and both my Grandmothers. They reminded me of the quote I'll use for today. I'm also reminded of this when I think of my 3 daughters ...and yes, my son.
"Sons branch out, but one woman leads to another." Margaret Atwood