Monday, May 26, 2008

Prompt # 6

I hope that everyone had a great holiday weekend! We went to my oldest daughter and son-in-law's house on Saturday for a cook-out and today the 2 of us cooked out (Brats for my husband and Portabellas for me since I don't eat meat). Nice peaceful weekend.
Last week my youngest daughter and I brought my Mom home from her rehab at the nursing home. She's doing well.

Our prompt for this week is to think of someone from our past (or present) and do artwork in a color that represents them to you. One of my Grandmothers very often wrote with peacock blue ink. Whenever I see that color, I think of her, so I'd do art with that color predominating if I wanted it to represent her. See what you can come up with!

"I like the space between, the space between dreaming and wakefulness. Between imagination and reality. Between no and yes. Between is and is not. That's where the interesting stuff is." from In the Night Room by Peter Straub

1 comment:

Kerri Jean said...

I am sitting here thinking of which colors evoke which people in my life, and I welcomed the summer grilling season this weekend too. Yum!