I'm supposed to 1-post a link to her blog
2-put the logo on my blog
3-nominate 7 others and post links.
Well, Kerri's would have been one of my 7, as would Marilyn's and Dyani's. But they've already been named. My daughter Alissa has a very cool knitting and occasional recipe blog, but didn't want to go through the award procedure, so I won't name her.
These are some of my other favorite blogs to visit. They are either people that I "know" from yahoo groups or just have stumbled on their blogs and now visit regularly.
Mary, Aimee, Bernie (has done miraculous things for dogs and cats), Judy, Cynthia (I used to participate in a monthly creativity book discussion via conference call with her), Shari,
and Lelainia. Enjoy visiting them!
Camping was very nice! I came home in one piece (yahoo, yahoo) and it actually didn't rain until Saturday evening. We got a tremendous thunder and lightning storm about 9 p.m. (which is a little scary when you're in the woods), but all day was beautiful. We sat in the car, figuring that was the safest place.
This week's prompt a touch early 'cause I'll be out of town tomorrow. What would you tell your younger self? If you could go back to an earlier age that you were and tell yourself one thing, what would it be?? Write about it or make art about it.
"Every second is of infinite value." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
wow laura! you're a sweetie! my first blog award - thank you!!
Hi Laura, Thank you so much for the award! And congratulations on your own. :-) I enjoyed looking through your blog, and most certainly will be back. Love the idea of the prompts!
Congrats on the award, Mom! And oh boy, what wouldn't I tell my younger self?! That's a great prompt!
Congrats for your first camping award. Thank you for sharing your blog.
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